Creativity takes courage

-Henri Matisse

Perfection in Mono | Bella

All it took was a blank canvas in an art class to inspire Harmesh to realise her creative potential. Her head had always buzzed with creativity. A purple bedroom, a quirky dress sense, pirate music stations and a world of music and fashion magazines that tantalised her brain. Mum always struggled to understand the odour of musky charity shops and the need to collect everyone else's unwanted things? The appetite to create was always strong. That desire remained hidden, suppressed like a tightly wound coil. Freedom to explore it limited in the Yorkshire mining town where she grew up. As the eldest daughter of first-generation Indian immigrants she spent more time in front of her father's market stall than the canvas.

In her mid-twenties she moved to London and found work in the publishing industry, working for the free magazines handed out at the tube stations. Her jobs were in sales but she never stopped dreaming of putting her own mark on the pages. The dream finally crystallised when she searched for an art class that captured her interest and discovered a supportive teacher who was instrumental in her finally unwinding the coil, pushing out half a lifetime of repressed desire.

Welcome to the start of her journey, where she is now ready to share with you, her first collection....

All it took was a blank canvas in an art class to inspire Harmesh to realise her creative potential. Her head had always buzzed with creativity. A purple bedroom, a quirky dress sense, pirate music stations and a world of music and fashion magazines that tantalised her brain. Mum always struggled to understand the odour of musky charity shops and the need to collect everyone else's unwanted things? The appetite to create was always strong. That desire remained hidden, suppressed like a tightly wound coil. Freedom to explore it limited in the Yorkshire mining town where she grew up. As the eldest daughter of first-generation Indian immigrants she spent more time in front of her father's market stall than the canvas.

In her mid-twenties she moved to London and found work in the publishing industry, working for the free magazines handed out at the tube stations. Her jobs were in sales but she never stopped dreaming of putting her own mark on the pages. The dream finally crystallised when she searched for an art class that captured her interest and discovered a supportive teacher who was instrumental in her finally unwinding the coil, pushing out half a lifetime of repressed desire.

Welcome to the start of her journey, where she is now ready to share with you, her first collection....

Perfection In Mono

The Bold First Collection